Community Health Workers

Education, Training & Community Advocacy

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2020

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2020

Who and what is a Community Health Worker?

A Community Health Worker is a frontline public health worker who is a trusted member or has a particularly good understanding of the community served. A CHW serves as a liaison between healthcare and social services and the community to facilitate access to services, to improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery, and through these means work to improve the health and wellbeing of members of the community in which they (often live) and work. (CDC)

CHWs might be known by other names, such as promotores de salud, coaches, lay health advisors, community health representatives, peer mentors, or peer navigators.

Community Health Workers (CHWs) address this root cause by bridging gaps in access, establishing and maintaining connections to preventative medical and dental care, and addressing the stigma that pervades mental health care particularly among vulnerable populations. All of this rests upon the trust a CHW develops within the community.

CHW training classes

The Pennsylvania Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) are an accredited Community Health Worker training organization through the Pennsylvania Certification Board. AHEC regions offer a 100-hour training program designed to provide the core competencies needed for work in community-based and inpatient settings. This training also provides comprehensive information about accessing healthcare and other social/community resources which are specific to the region in the training location site.

Each 100 hour course is typically completed within two months. To learn more about classes or register for classes being held by Southwest PA AHEC, the areas of study, cost of classes and how to become certified as a CHW in Pennsylvania visit the statewide PA AHEC CHW Training & Education site

how did the southwest pa ahec training center come about?

The training center began at the confluence of the Henry L. Hillman Foundation’s gracious support and being part of an amazing AHEC network across Pennsylvania. Over the past 5 years we have had the good fortune to meet with and train hundreds of amazing folks who went on to work as Community Health Workers.

Our approach to training seeks to mirror that of community health work — it takes a village, people coming together with openness and curiosity, learning from and supporting one another as we grow together.

Graduates of the training program are prepared for work in community health centers, community-focused organizations, service-oriented nonprofits, hospital systems and federally qualified health centers.

Collaborative Partners

Partners in the collaborative include community health centers, community focused organization, and federally qualified health centers. A full list of collaborative partners can be found here

If you are with a community organization or health care center and are interested in training and/or hiring community health workers, please contact:

Jennifer Davis ( or

Dr. Lynne Williams (